Contact & route
How you find us:
over BAB A7:- exit Soltau Ost (Nr.44)
- go in the direction of Munster (B71)
- after Munster stay on the B71 until Dethlingen
- after Dethlingen turn right in the direction of Celle / Müden
- follow the road until Müden
- in Müden turn left in the direction of Unterlüß
- follow the road for about 6 km until Oberohe
- in Oberohe turn right to Camping / Ferienpark Heidesee
(Distance from Celle until the Holiday park is about 30 km)
over Celle:
- in Celle go in the direction of Uelzen / Lüneburg (B 191)
- follow the road for about 25 km volgen until Weyhausen
- in Weyhausen turn left in the direction of Unterlüß
- follow the road until Unterlüß
- in Unterlüß (Nettomarkt) turn right in the direction of Müden / Faßberg
- follow the road for about 6 km until Oberohe
- in Oberohe turn right to Camping / Ferienpark Heidesee
(Distance from Celle until the Holiday park is about 40 km)
Ferienpark Heidesee
29328 - Faßberg-Oberohe
Lüneburger Heide - Duitsland
Tel. (from Great-Brittain) 0049 - 5827 - 970546
Tel. (from Duitsland) 05827 - 970546
GPS: 10° 13' 37'' O - 52° - 52' 33'' N